SGCH / ARMCH NC Promisedland Rain-Beau 2*M AR, 3*D
National Best Udder and Top Production for Butter Fat Award
***We are planning on AI for Rain-Beau to Chenango-Hills Lysander *B 2014***
We arrived at the show at St Paul, Minnesota the morning of July 6 th to the Vet check in. No problems, we had our paper work and tattoos in order (can you imagine us with our act together) and off to unload. We had no idea the stalls were 1/4 mile from our unloading zone. OMG, never hauled so much stuff so far in my life! There were no young folks for hire either and it was to bad, so sad. Guess my cardiovascular system is ok or I would have Dropped Dead that day... Thank Goodness, Patsie brought that wagon I fussed over (taking up space, etc) ... it saved me from keeling over right there! Later we found out we could have unloaded on the other side of the barn and had about 6 stalls to haul the stuff!!!
Our lodging was in the dorms of the pig barn, another 1/4 mile or seemed 1/2 mile away from our goats which were moved to the horse barn. We thought we were in one spot and were told no, we were in the wrong spot and moved, you guessed it, another 1/4 mile further from everything... Wish I had brought my roller skates...
We signed up for the pig barn and were moved to the horse barn. No problem, we had plenty of room for the goats, some folks were on top of each other and with it being so hot and humid, we thought we had brought Alabama with us. We had a breeze and some draft horse open stalls across the way, so we had room to breath and could use fans for a breeze.
The dorms were ok, had showers and all gals, but had to go up two fights of stairs to get there. It kicked our butts each and every time we dragged our exhausted selves up it! I thought I was in reasonable shape... boy was I wrong! We walked so much from everywhere to everything, I had to tape my shines for shine splints. Thought I was back in boot camp marching...
The show ring was beautiful, but the nearest pee spot... you guessed it... long way off... no bathrooms in the show building... You all can imagine what that is like without TMI...
We enjoyed the show and we were to busy to take photos. Then I find out the photographer did not take photos of the Nigerians past the two year olds. Very disappointing... So no photos of the older does and no line up, no best udder... no anything! Next Nationals, I will take someone with us to take photos!
Rain-Beau took Second in the over 7 class and second to the National Champion, which was a lovely little doe... what an udder she had. Rain-Beau took first udder over the National Champion and then went back into the ring where we milked them out right there, those photos lost too, to take National Best Udder. She also won the Production Award for Butter Fat.
Oldesouth Galloway and GCH Oldesouth Blue Amber took 6th and 7th place in the 3 year old milker classes, which was excellent. Our Juniors, which I am never strong in, won 19th, 20th and Little Bootsie owned by Patsie won 16th. The classes were very large and we were happy to MAKE THE CUT, kind of thing.
Would we go back to MN, no way... If NO AC, we are not going!!! It was a ONCE in a life time experience, but we are going to Kentucky next year. We sort of know what we are doing (HA HA) and will prepare better and have only 7 hours to drive, not two days!! The Kentucky show will be HUGE! The southeast has some fine goats and we will see what happens in 2014! BE THERE OR BE SQUARE!
GCH Oldesouth Blue Amber 2*M AR, 2*D, 2+DAR
7th National Show 2013
**This doe will be bred to Oldesouth SD Vine Rough *S, son of Rain Beau for 2014 kids.
Oldesouth Galloway, 6th National Show 2013 will be bred to SD Vine Rough *S or his brother Oldesouth SD Sauveur *S also. I purchased semen in 2012 from JNels from Chenango-Hills Lysander *B and plan on using him for Rain-Beau for 2014.
We are on Standard DHIR and show our goats. We offer Excellence in conformation and milk. Our website is: . Check out our breeding schedule, which is not completed, to many excellent bucks to choose from. But will have it all completed by the end of August. We will be kidding in January for our milking girls on DHIR. Check us out and call me Terry Babb for any questions: 334-327-9252.
We are grateful for the awards our does received and the folks at Vaughan Regional Hospital who made it happen for the time off to attend the show! Thank YOU!!