Friday, November 14, 2008

Babies continued....

Last night Cocoa had triplet baby does. Two are blue eyed and one is brown eyed. All are a lovely buck skin, one is an unusual gray buck skin.
This morning her mom, Brat was bleating and I checked on her at lunch. She was off by herself in the pecan orchard, but no babies. I came back after 5 in the dark, with a flash light and sure enough, she had triplets as well, all baby does. The count so far is 14 new babies, 13 does and 1 buck. This is highly unusual. For the past 2 1/2 years we have had nothing but bucks, bucks and more bucks. We are not complaining a bit and have never had mother and daughter produce triplet does. We are ecstatic to say the least.

I had Cocoa Channel on my sales page because last year she had a single and her udder was lop sided nursing the one kid. This freshening she has evened out and has an udder as nice if not better then her mother Brat. I may just hang onto this lovely doe. She is an excellent mother and had her triplets without assistance.

I will get photos of Brat in the morning. Her triplets were does, but it was dark and I had to put them in a bucket and with a flashlight see my way to the barn with mom following. I will let you all know what is what in the morning. I bedded Brat down with her daughter Cocoa.

We finished planting winter grazing, planting with a drill seen below. We planted Oats, Wheat, Rye, White Clover, Crimson Clover and one other Clover I don't recall at the moment. The clover will fix nitrogen into the soil for next year's hay crop and make a great first cutting.

It is getting late and will blog more later....