Saturday, January 10, 2009

Things to knit with Icelandic Wool

It is cold and raining today, a good day to spin wool and knit. The hat to the left is hand spun wool from a moorit (brown) Icelandic sheep, a white icelandic sheep, and a gray Icelandic sheep. Now the blue is some store bought, artificial yarn to add some color. This wool is a combination of the thel and tog, which makes Lopi yarn. It is soft and very warm.
The Icelandic Wool is the ultimate luxury wool and a pleasure to work with. It spins easily and makes beautiful home made projects. It also felts
easily for felted projects as well.

The sweater to the right is made with a combination of Icelandic, cheviot and a bit of merino as well. The body is done, one sleeve and 3/4 of a sleeve is almost finished. Then all that is left is the upper section and decreasing for the yolk.

I hope to finish the sweater before the end of winter.