I wanted to share some pictures of my dog, Crazy Jake working my Icelandic rams. Jake is a handsome Border Collie. He does not always listen, but usually gets the job done. He is very driven and this makes him a bit crazy. With the cool spell we have been having, I took the opportunity for him to work and gather up the rams.
Lambing is officially over with Mini Long Tail delivering her Iceiot ewe. The lamb is sired by Saxon, who busted out of his pen and wondered to the other side of the farm, ramming his way into the pen holding 3 ewes I did not want bred. I found him the next morning, standing around and looking very innocent. Well, he bred 2 of the 3 ewes in that pen. Mini was one of them. Mini is pictured below and to the left.
The baby goats to the right are Eve's latest doe Kids by Flash. One of the triplets is not a Flash baby. I have never had this happen before and was dumb founded when I saw this little gal. The one to the far right looks like a Boer and her ears are to large to be a Nigerian. She is slightly larger and heavier then the other two does. Eve must have partied with both Flash and Cane, my Boer buck. The hybrid Boer/Nigerians have very distinct ears and the Boer color of white body and red head markings. When I first saw her I checked all of the Boer does to make sure she did not belong to someone else. Eve told me she was hers and that she loved her no matter what...
It is amazing how things turn out. I had always been very careful to not let the Big Boer breed any of my Nigerians for fear of the kids being to large to deliver. Lo and behold Eve and Cane had a different idea. Nature always finds a way. The little doe is blue eyed as well, which is very cool and different. I will sell the little girl off as a bottle baby pet or a Terry Goat. She is two teated as well.
More later...