It has been HOT the last few days and humid. Boy, I hate humid weather. Still waiting for goats to kid. Mr General sure took his time in getting the girls in a motherly way... Big belly's everywhere, but still no babies. Annie is pictured to the right and below.
Have checked on Annie Oakley twice, she is huge. She is clipped up to go to a couple of shows, thinking she would kid prior to the show. But she is holding out and is way to pregnant to stress at a show. She has been left home. Annie herself is a quintuplet. She had a single her first freshening, a beautiful doe, Oldesouth Galloway. She looks like she has at least quads this time...
Annie is a really nice doe and so Dairy. Her udder is great and she has perfect teat placement. She is pictured very close to her second freshening. Maybe she will kid today, will check her again shortly.
Fall color is coming slowly and photo to the right
shows the Pecan trees turning color.
Hannah our newest Heifer calf is pictured to the left.
These bantam chickens are an elderly couple. Not sure exactly how old they are, but I have had them over 3 years and they were given to me. Have not had eggs out of the hen in years so can only guess their age. They are together all the time, like Grandma and Grandpa.
This is AnnaLynn, Blue's daughter by Buddy. She is one of the does we are waiting on. She will be freshening for her second time. Her sister was beautiful and had a single doe, we named Reba. Her udder was outstanding and I was sooo excited to have a yearling for the show ring. Well, that was not meant to be and I found sister, who looked asleep, dead (never did find out the cause). Reba was jumping on her back, trying to awaken her mom. We started to bottle feed Reba and she was doing great. When Reba was about a month old, AnnaLynn lost her kid and I had to help with the miscarriage. I kept AnnaLynn in a stall with Reba, so I could check her and treat her if necessary. Well, AnnaLynn adopted Reba and ended up raising her, milking fairly well for not being full term. This pregnancy AnnaLynn looks really good and may even be as nice as her sister was.
This little rooster is a bantam brought to me by a friend. Is he not beautiful, such color!
These two characters are Father(front) and Son (back). This is Bubba and The Politician. Both of these Nigerian Bucks are For Sale. Check out our Goat Sales Page. They are nice bucks, their height is within the standard, I estimate 22-23 inches and The Politician was shown last fall and they have the bucks pass under a measure stick as they enter the ring at most shows. I have used these two bucks for years, Bubba is 5, Politician is 4 and they are ready to move on to another farm.
Enough for now, need to go check Annie...