We just got back from a show in Georgia over the weekend and we did well. Arlene came along to help and between the two of us we showed 9 does. We decided to leave the stinkers (bucks) home and show more juniors. In spite of the heat we enjoyed ourselves.
We tried to get a photo shoot of Diamond and she was getting a bit tired of the whole thing. The photo to the left you can see the, "Come On, enough now..."
Our little Oldesouth Alabama Summer is a first freshener. She placed first in her class of yearling milkers. It was a large, very competititve class and we were thrilled with the win. She went back into the ring for the Grand, but did not make the cut. We were happy with her first place finish.
Our other goats placed in the upper part of the classes, but it is all a blur as to who did what. First place is what we remember the most.
Still tired from all the showing this weekend, I am going to make this one short and sweet.