Received the news today of six more does earning their milking stars with AGS, ADGA and NDGA! We have our first triple + buck as well! (General photo below) We may be the only triple + buck in the Nigerian History!! We are researching it and want to know if anyone knows of another triple + buck. NDGA requires the bucks to be 23 inches or less. The General is a bit under 22 1/2 inches, according to his LA 2011 appraisal.
Our star does are Oldesouth Babette 1*M, *D, +DAR (sister to Oldesouth Blue Alexa 1*M,*D,+DAR), Oldesouth Blue Reba 1*M,*D,+DAR, Oldesouth Alabama Summer 1*M,*D, *DAR, Oldesouth Galloway 1*M,*D, +DAR, Rosasharn GX UDiamond 3*M, 4*D, +DAR, and LTE Silene 1*M, *D,*DAR.
+*B Rosasharn MR General B +*S,+DAR has qualified for his + through his daughters on DHIR milk test in all three registries. (photo above) .
SG NC Promisedland SIA SunRa has just been dried off along with Oldesouth Cocoa Delight and Oldesouth Belladonna. They will have their final numbers on lactations early next month and the awards earned.
We are accepting reservations for 2012 Kids. Our Breeding schedule is at:
Currently Oldesouth Silver Princess, Brush Creek Liz and Promisedland BHP Scandal are on DHIR until everyone freshens again. Some will freshen the end of December and most will freshen in January. Next year everyone will be dried up in November and we will be taking a break until February.
We have finally scheduled our Veterinarian to come out and pull blood for our annual CAE & John's testing. Our schedule and our Vet's schedule have been so crazy. But he is coming out December 12th for the blood draw and vaccinates my dogs & barn cat. Philip and his brother Evan will help with catching and holding while Dr Doug draws. I am the paper work queen and know who everyone is.