Wow, January is over and off into February we go! We have had some kidding's since the last post. Thundersnow had a lovely baby doe sired by The Loud Politician. She is beautiful.
The pictures above are of Dixie, Snow's little doeling. The picture to the above right is my neighbor, Anna, who really enjoys helping out and playing with the babies. The lower left picture is Dixie climbing on Snow's back. She loves to play and jump and climb and Snow is very patient and very proud of her beautiful daughter.
This morning Dawn kidded twins, a doe and a buck. The buck is a chocolate beauty with blue eyes.
The doe is lovely as well and has the Agouti Grey color, which looks like a Pygmy coloration. This is the first time we have had this pattern and it is beautiful, especially with the white ears and white spot on her head.

We have a couple of other does who are Boers and percentage Boers who will be kidding this month or next month. But they are spaced out, so will not be a bunch at once.
We do have a ewe who is due to lamb February 14th. She is a Mini Cheviot who is bred to The Trump (Icelandic). We were separating the ewes and rams into breeding groups when we noticed The Trump breeding the ewe. So, we will find out what the Cheviot/Icelandic cross will look like. The other ewe was put out with the Cheviot Ram and should lamb toward the end of March. I have caught up the ewes and the Cheviot is pregnant and bagging up, right on schedule.
We have ordered our seed for spring planting and I have planted my tomato seed. I enjoy heirloom tomatoes and the only way to get them is to grow them from seed. I have tried to mail order them, but they are so beat up by the time they arrive, most die. So I order seed and start my own the end of January and transplant them into a small green house by March and go from there. I have had tomatoes all winter in the green house, but with everything going on at the farm, did not have time last year. This year we plan to have a good sized garden out at the farm. I have electric netting to string around it to keep bad horses and goats from getting into trouble.
Enough for now and enjoy the romantic month of February.