The picture to the right is one of my Terry Goats. She is a 50% Boer and 50% Nigerian. She is a medium sized, meaty, very wide young yearling doe. She weights about 90 pounds. She is two teated and is shown a few days before having her first kid. She has an excellent udder, good milk volume, and is parasite resistant as well as an easy keeper. My friends tease me about this goofy eared little goat, but she was able to kid at 14 months instead of 24 months like a Boer and has the beef. I will breed her to a Full blood Boer at her next breeding and see how she does. She was bred to a Nigerian her first time and had a little buck. I like to breed all my first time does to the small bucks. I have no trouble with kidding, no ketosis or pregnancy toxemia and the kids are tough as nails.
We had a nice article which was written about our Icelandic Sheep in the Alabama Coop Farm News. Click on the article below and you will be able to read it.
More later... Enjoy the nice weather...