It has been crazy with the weather. A week ago we received 5 inches of rain and now we received almost 4 inches Wednesday and an inch and a half early Thursday morning. We are suppose to get more storms this evening and Friday.
The farm is flooded where we drive and the ground is compacted. We have had water into the storage shed for the first time. We had to remove some kittens I have been acclimating to the farm for rodent control, due to the water. We have had to move our feed and put it on double pallets to keep it dry.
My quarter horse, Joe really enjoyed the water and I caught pictures of him rolling and enjoying the water. I have 3 horses at the moment, only one is mine, Joe. The other two belong to a friend who has been having health problems and could not care for the older horses. One is Marina, and her half sister Dawn. Both are Arabians and Dawn was a champion pleasure horse at one time.
Both are over 20. Dawn is a bit rough looking,
because we just got her last Saturday.
Joe is pictured above and to the right. Joe and Dawn are pictured below and to the right. Joe has not missed any meals and the winter grazing planted last fall is going to town, with a big growth spirt...

We have had another Shetland lamb born, this one a little black ewe. We will have her pictures posted on the next blog.
Two of the Icelandic ewes have been sheared and they are due to lamb next weekend. Havvah's fleece was felted and trashed. Sarah's fleece was partially felted and will make a nice rug. I kept her fleece and skirted it.
With all the rain, we have not been able to shear the other sheep. It has been a very wet spring. We went from very cold to very wet. The fleece needs to be dry in order to shear it smoothly. We also managed to get my friend's truck stuck going out to feed the herd. I have pictures of all that to post on the next blog. We are expecting more rain and up to 7 more inches of rain. Wow, but that is how weather works and we can only take what God gives to us. Two years ago we were begging for rain and I think we have gotten all that rain this last couple of months.
More later...