We made it through the Friday night storms. A lot of lightning and my friend Mr. Paul had his Porch blown off and his car port blew into some chain link fence. He must have had a mini twister set down at his place. The rain was not as heavy as the days before. As of today, the water is drying up and in another couple of days, hopefully will be able to get to the goats without our waders.
Above are pictures of the new baby Shetland ewe on the left, and the little ram lamb on the right. The ram lamb is turning chocolate and has a nice set of horns coming up. The moms are doing well and even little scruffy is filling out. We have sent off blood on them and hope to hear next week that they are negative.

The pictures above are of Sarah, the first of my Icelandic ewes to lamb next week. She is pictured sheared, standing in the Thursday water, waiting for some feed. She is very pregnant and nicely bagged up. She is almost two, bred by The Trump. We are hoping for lovely morrit (brown) lambs. Both The Trump and Sarah are morrit and gray morrit. Her fleece is pictured to the right. We did not get to shear her before the cold weather and it is a bit felted. I think I will make a rug out of it. It is lovely, and still pulls apart, but not the quality I personally would sell to a hand spinner. I am very picky and want only the best fleece for my hand spinners out there. But, it will still felt into a lovely rug.
Sarah and Havvah are the first two to lamb. I have Sarah due on Friday and Havvah due on Saturday of next week. I will keep everyone posted. The lambs sired by The Trump, out of the Cheviot are spectacular and have grown like weeds. I know they will be larger then their mini cheviot mom and may just give the purebred Icelandics a run for their money. They have had a 6 week head start with their birth dates and with the grass coming on, they are just producing great fleece and meaty conformations.
More later...