We have actually had several days without rain and able to get around to round up the rams and do some shearing. The picture above and to the left is The Trump. We put him on a stand and sheared him due to his size and horn size. He was no trouble and has done very well on grass only. We still have some yearlings who will lamb by him. We have two moorit lambs on the ground now sired by him. He is a Gray Moorit Icelandic Ram.
The picture on the right is the goats on new pasture. We will be changing pastures every 30 days to decrease parasite problems. The sheep were put on new pasture as well. We have 7 different pastures to rotate the livestock on.

The picture above and to the left is a cute little Shetland ram lamb. He is pretty tame and comes up to be petted. I have not figured out what color he is yet. He will be For Sale. He is not registered, but purebred. He has a very nice wool and will have a good horn set. We will be offering him For $100.
The Ewe above and to the right is Havvah with her Trump ram lamb. They are enjoying all the lush pasture and he is growing very fast. We sheared Havvah just before she lambed several weeks ago.
We also purchased a dozen chicks for more laying hens. My original hens are pretty old and not laying like they had been. We purchased 6 Americaunas, 3 Production Red pullets and 3 black sex link pullets. The Ameri were straight run, so will have to wait and see how many are hens. Anyway, they are doing well and we will get pictures of them later.
Enough for now...