Havvah is the first of the Icelandic Sheep to lamb. But as luck would have it she had complications. This is her 4 th lambing without problems. She had triplets last time with out a hitch. This time was different. She had triplet rams, but only one made it. One was still born and the last one was very large with his head twisted under, behind the pelvis. After much manipulation I was finally able to free him, but he did not make it. Poor Havvah is exhausted and sore. Havvah had a lovely moorit ram lamb (above) sired by The Trump. He was born Friday the 3rd.
Sarah was due according to my calculations the 4th, but she has not lambed yet. We will keep her in a pen close to the barn to keep an eye on her. The two lambs below are the Iceoits, the mix between a Cheviot and Icelandic. They are doing great and growing like crazy. All the rain has caused the grass to jump and the grazing is great. The lambs are growing really fast and are all fat and happy.
We have received more rain today and had not dried out from the prior two weeks. Mud and more mud is the word of the day. At least a lot of the pasture has dry areas and the goats and sheep can get where it is dry. I worry about foot problems and have been checking everyone. So far all is well.
The blood work has come back on the Shetlands and they are all negative for OPP, Ovine Progressive Pneumonia. That is good and they will be coming home shortly. The moms and the lambs are doing great. Once Sarah lambs, we will have room to bring the Shetlands home.
There was a nice article in the Coop News about the Expo.
Enough for now and everyone take care.