The weather has been nice and we have only one more ewe to lamb. The two pictures above are of a lovely Nigerian Doeling out of Butter, sired by Flash. She has length, width and lots of class. I hope to start showing her shortly. Her name is Oldesouth FLA Beauty.
The pictures below are of Boing's new Icelandic baby ram Lamb sired by The Trump. He is jet black, but may turn gray like his mom. In the picture the lighter color on his nose is usually an indication of the gray color.
Today it is raining, but a gentle rain which is good for the garden. We have finally finished working the ground and putting some electrical netting around the garden to protect it from the horses and hoodlums (baby goats). It does not look like much now, but we will share the photo's as the garden progresses. The heirloom tomato plants I had seeded in January and a couple of cucumber plants I seeded as well, were the first to go into the ground. We also planted several lavender plants along the edges, because we hope they will grow well and become shrubs. We also planted sweet corn, beans, more cucumbers, herbs, and will stagger plant more sweet corn in a couple of weeks.
I will plant some cantaloupe and stagger more beans later. We missed the window for lettuce and we will wait for fall and plant a fall garden as well. We have a few more things to plant, but do not want the garden to get to overwhelming. I used to plant in boxes in my back yard and did the square foot garden. The hard clay at my home is impossible to grow anything in. The beautiful sandy loam soil at the farm should produce well. The sheep, goat and chicken manue was piled up all winter, turning into compost. We worked it all into the garden spot. I will add some kelp and use the yellow sticky pads for insect control. We will grow our garden as organically as possible.